Passionately Catholic: What Is the Mass?

by Suzy Kelly


Ponder this…

Did you know that Catholics don’t go to church services on Sundays? We crazy Catholics actually do something called assist at the holy sacrifice of the mass. If you don’t understand this, don’t feel bad, many Catholics don’t understand what the mass is all about either.

In a nutshell, the holy sacrifice of the mass is the highest form of worshiping God on the face of heaven and Earth. It’s actually where heaven and Earth meet. Catholics assist at mass with four ends in mind. We go to mass to worship God, to thank God for his presence in our lives, to receive pardon for our venial sins, and to petition God for our needs.

As a Catholic in the state of grace, we are welcome to receive Jesus’s body, blood, soul, and divinity in holy communion at every mass. The Lord initiated the mass at the Last Supper and ordained his apostles as the first priest, and commanded them to do this in memory of me. Come and see what the holy mass is all about.

I’m Susie Kelly and I’m passionately Catholic.






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